I received a letter from Santa Fe, NM and Nevada City, CA attorney C. William Sutherland dated August 14, 2007. Sutherland's letter and brochure is a business lesson on how not to make a good first impression.
1. If Sutherland found my name from our company web site or the NSSTA he would have discovered that my last name is Darer not Dover.
2. If Sutherland had read this blog or visited the 4structures.com, LLC website page on selling structured settlement payment (rights) he would have learned that my firm would not need a lawyer for legal representation for structured settlement factoring transactions.
3. Then of course there's the typo laced cheapo computer generated brochure. What moron spells the word "dedicated", "deadicated"? Download sutherland_esq_typo_laced_brochure_sent_8142007.pdf
4. And of course how about "ltigation" support and a missing possessive apostrophe?
5. And taking a page from the Novation Capital play book, there is the misleading statement that the attorneys of the firm have over 50 years of experience "representing clients similar to your company". Of course its misleading when the structured settlement industry has been around for only 30 some odd years.
6. How this firm can state that it is "reliable", "dependable" and "gives confidence" is hard to see when the brochure contains a display of the grammatical insufficiency that a 6th or 7th grader could easily better.
7. Then there's the California FAX number he uses which he shares with this law firm and this company named Duocor. For $10 a month this Sutherland could have had an EFAX number.
Good thing I'm not a factoring company. This guy wouldn't meet my standards for attention to detail for serving up this slop. But perhaps a "plantiff" would be interested.