Apparently trying to appeal, er... take advantage, of the least sophisticated element of our society, 123 Lump Sum (dubbed here "123 Lump Dumb") still promotes itself through a video which shows a guy, who looks like the Eddie Griffin's white bread "undercover brother", carrying big cardboard checks through a mall security checkpoint with forced goofy glee "Asseff"*** he'd won the lottery. That is...if you consider getting cents on the dollar to be winning the lottery!
You can take a "sharpie" to cardboard or constriction paper any day, but it doesn't mask the fact that there is a discount to match the size of the fake cardboard check. Be very very cautious of these impulse promotions.
If you sell your structured settlement payment rights without serious consideration of the alternatives from someone unaffiliated with the company offering to pay you cash and without a well thought out game plan and you might just find yourself as "123 Lump Bum"
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