by John Darer CLU ChFC CSSC
Due to the high profile of this blog and the website, I occasionally receive calls from structured settlement annuitants who have a case of "mistaken identity". They are contemplating selling their structured settlement payment rights because of a real or perceived financial crisis, or even worse, outside influences and impulse ads.
Rather than "leave them to the hyenas" I try to give them a few moments of my time to try to gain an understanding of their needs and influences that have got them to the point where they have made the call.
In sharing those moments, my aim is to at least be a waystation so that "mistaken identity" callers can explore if there are other alternatives to factoring and trading away their future financial security for pennies on the dollar.
Of the few calls i received last week I feel that I was able to save most of them from giving up due to a "mentality weakness". It's not unlike athletes at the end of a long race or other sporting event.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of watching the FA Cup Final, reported as the oldest knockout soccer tournament in the world and with a worldwide audience greater than the Super Bowl. My childhood team Chelsea of London, the recently dethroned English Premier League champions, against Manchester United, the recently crowned English Premier League Champions. The last 2 in what started out as a field of 600. The camera perspective from the photo now on my desktop background says it all. The ball heading towards the back of the Manchester United net at the Chelsea end of the stadium, the huge scoreboard clock in the background showing 25:07 out of 30:00 of injury time gone. For Chelsea the "end run" is nothing unusual, yesterday's drama being I believe the 25th time in the 2006-07 season that they have scored in the dying minutes of a game to win or draw.
It takes a huge mentality to be able to have that record. This type of mentality is something that potential sellers of settlement payment rights have to get to avoid making bad financial decisions. I'm sure it's not easy. But just know that when your "legs" and "mind" are weary that there are some kind souls out there who will take the time to help you.