by Structured Settlement Watchdog
If you have been solicited to sell structured settlements payments, beware of the slick "sales pitch" that claims "better investment opportunities" for the discounted lump sum they are offering to pay you.
First, many of the folks promoting this "better investment opportunities" theory may not be properly qualified or licensed to tell you this and you should always check first.
A person discussing investment opportunities in securities, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and variable annuities will have to hold one of the FINRA Series. Visit FINRA Broker Check or the IAPD (to check out investment advisers' public disclosure. There are clear rules of engagement.
Second, without a clear understanding of risk your chances for disappointment increase, especially when you are trading guaranteed income for NO guarantee . Monte Carlo analysis, or Monte Carlo simulation can also be applied in this situation and may be very useful. The same concepts apply as they would at the time the structure was created. With Monte Carlo simulation the many variables of your stated needs can be projected and weighed with a statistical sample of hypothetical returns on the discounted "cash now" lump sum, in a statistical trial as described above. While there are no guarantees, you can safely test the assumptions, have a better understanding of the chances of success or failure. You are then in a better position to make an informed decision as to whether the risk is worth the price you pay (the discount for "cash now" or "money now").
In 2021, a Florida structured settlement factoring company "tagged teamed " with a Florida financial adviser who projected a 12% lel rates of return without taking into account income taxes or investment volatility. It was ludicrous. Thankfully the judge did not approve the deal. Imagine the deep discount of investment market performance in 2022 after the factoring deep discount. It would have been devastating.
Last updated May 13, 2022