Public Law 107-273, the 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Act, provides: `Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall establish a
list of annuity brokers who meet minimum qualifications for providing annuity brokerage services in connection with structured settlements entered by the United States. Part of the requirements are that structured settlement brokers must declare per 28 CFR Part 50.24(a)(6), that the broker must have had substantial experience in each of the past three years in providing structured settlement brokerage services to or on behalf of defendants or their counsel.
Per 28 CFR 50.24(b), an annuity broker who desires to be included on the list must submit a "Declaration", under penalty of perjury, that he or she has reviewed the list of minimum qualifications set forth in 28 CFR 50.24(a) and that he or she meets those qualifications
Download annuity_broker_declaration1.pdf
The declaration must be made annually
The general perjury statute under Federal law provides for a prison sentence of up to five years, and is found at
1621 and .Following is a list of brokers on that list for 2004, 2005 and the current 2006 list
Download doj_list_of_structure_brokers.pdf
Couldn't help noticing that some of the structured settlement brokers appearing on these lists have advertised on their web sites or in print materials that they are plaintiff exclusive. That's their business decision. But one must consider that another business decision was made to sign a declaration, made under penalties of
which included 28 CFR Part 50.24(a)(6), to be placed on the USDOJ list.