Welcome to the Structured Settlement Blog!
The purpose of the Structured Settlements 4Real® blog is to present real and relevant information about structured settlements and settlement planning issues affecting parties in claims or litigation. I will delve into evrything there is to know about structured settlements, the good, the bad and the ugly. In this post we are concerned with the party to whom such planning and financial instruments are designed to protect, the plaintiffs and their families.
It is the opinion of this author and others that there is an amazing amount of clutter on the web that is harmful to the plaintiffs (who in many ways are the ultimate consumers) because of grossly misleading, confusing and even outright deceptive messages that appear on Internet search engines. With more and more people turning to the Internet for information the concern is that consumers will turn to the wrong parties for help and making decisions based on bad information that could have a drastic impact on their lives.
Our audience is intended to be plaintiffs, defendants, insurance company representatives, structured settlement brokers, consultants and experts (which we define as "those creating structured settlements" and not those who "buy" them), Judges, State and Federal law makers and the Media. In addition to posts by this author we hope to have articles written by guest authors and other bloggers to make this an even more valuable resource for our readers
Welcome to the world of blogging and for adding another voice to the structured settlement community online. Look forward to reading your stuff.
Posted by: Mark Wahlstrom | November 12, 2005 at 10:53 AM